Reference Sites

Catholic Dictionary
From Fr. John Hardon's Modern Catholic Dictionary.

Catholic Encyclopedia, The (at New Advent)

Catholic Encyclopedia, The Original (at Catholic Answers)

Catholic Liturgical Library, The
Here you will find information on the liturgies of the Latin or Roman rite of the Catholic Church: its art and architecture; official documents about the liturgy; its liturgical texts, rubrics, and law; and how to get more out of the Mass. There is also a forum.

Shroud of Turin, The
Here you will find both scholarly and devotional information on the Shroud. This huge site includes current and past research from scientists from diverse backgrounds; the Shroud's history; a list of books on the Shroud; a directory of speakers; a section on religion and philosophy; scientific papers and articles; and much, much more.
     Of necessity not all of the external sites they link to are Catholic.

Vatican (choose your language)

Web site reviews (Catholic Culture)
A good way to find out if a site claiming to be Catholic actually is faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

What You Need to Know (at Catholic Culture)
Here you will find "summaries of key (but often misunderstood) Catholic teachings."
