Church Documents

A select few of the Church's documents are listed below.

Catechism of the Catholic Church (Vatican) (choose your language)

Code of Canon Law (Vatican) (choose your language)


Library of Church Documents (New Advent)

Papal Encyclicals Online

Documenta Catholica Omnia


Dives in Misericordia (On The Mercy of God) Pope John Paul II, November 30, 1980

Evangelium Vitae (On The Value and Inviolability of Human Life) Encyclical, Pope John Paul II, March 25, 1995

Humanae Vitae (On The Regulation of Birth) Encyclical, Pope Paul VI, July 25, 1968

Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life: A Christian Reflection on the "New Age" Pontifical Council for Culture and Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue

Lumen Gentium Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Pope Paul VI, November 21, 1964

Mulieris Dignitatem (On The Dignity and Vocation of Women) Apostolic Letter, Pope John Paul II

Rosarium Virginis Mariae (The Rosary of the Virgin Mary) Apostolic Letter, Pope John Paul II, 2002

Veritatis Splendor (Splendor of Truth) (on the Church's Moral Teaching) Encyclical, Pope John Paul II, August 6, 1993
